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What is Shoshin?


Shoshin is a Zen concept that means "beginner's mind". It is the quintessential mindset for learning. Shoshin conveys an attitude of openness beyond preconceptions, learnt patterns and limiting beliefs, that can lead to deep insight, understanding, and emotional growth.


How can I help you?


I look to build a relationship with my clients so that we can work together in finding the best model with which to help them with their particular issue. I believe it is important for the client to truly understand themselves and become aware of things such as limiting beliefs and/or tensions within the body that may be keeping them stuck; these things are often not directly obvious to us.


I am not interested in promoting any one type of therapeutic model. I keep myself as up to date as possible with current therapeutic trends but know the reality is that it is an ever shifting field, in which we are working with nuanced individuals; therapeutic models/categorisations are often very useful but do not work or provide a 'fit' for everyone.  If I believe a client would benefit from a different approach, I will refer them to the appropriate health care practitioner.




I studied Cognitive Hypnotherapy at the pioneering Quest Institute under the tutelage of its founder Trevor Silvester. I studied Zen Meditation and Mindfulness for Health & Wellbeing at Zenways (course accredited by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association).

​​I struggled for years with anxiety (CPTSD) and tried multiple therapies and methods, as well as being misdiagnosed along the way. The insights I've gained inform much of my therapy work and continue to help me on my own journey.



© 2021 Shoshin. All rights reserved.

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